CRCC releases work plan of priorities

Veronica Silva
February 13, 2018

The Canada Research Coordinating Committee (CRCC), a group created last fall by Science minister Kirsty Duncan to harmonize and coordinate the programs and policies of the major granting agencies, has released a work plan that will guide it through its mandate. The committee includes as members the three granting councils -- the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC), the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council, and the Canadian Institutes of Health Research — and the Deputy Ministers of Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada and Health Canada. The Canada Foundation for Innovation, National Research Council of Canada and Canada's Chief Science Advisor are participants. Duncan instructed the committee to come up with a work plan to address priorities enumerated in an open letter to the members. The work plan released on February 7 says the CRCC will engage with the research community to develop new programming and initiatives in priority areas. Among these priorities are developing innovative programs to support multidisciplinary and international research, and support for under-represented groups and the disadvantaged. The committee also seeks to build Canada’s capacity in emerging areas and establish Canada as a world leader in developing talent for the researchers throughout their career life cycle. SSHRC, whose president is the inaugural chair of the CRCC, says the committee will meet again to discuss next steps after developing their work plan. The chair of the CRCC rotates annually among the presidents of the granting councils.

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