Defence R&D Canada (DRDC) is setting up a Counter Terrorism Technology Centre (CTTC) at its research centre in Suffield AB, using $12 million allocated in the recent federal Budget. To be spent over two years starting in FY02-03, the Centre will perform several functions including the transfer of S&T expertise into the so-called first responders community (military, fire, police departments and others) and specialized training .
“This is a good vehicle for transitioning S&T into the community,” says DRDC CEO Dr John Leggat.
The CTTC will also partner with Health Canada and the Office of Critical Infrastructure Protection and Emergency Preparedness (OCIPEP) to provide courses across Canada, and will conduct technology assessment and certification of equipment such as gas masks.
The overarching mission of Defence Research Establishment Suffield is to protect the Canadian Forces against chemical and biological warfare, and enhance their capabilities through expert scientific advice and associated.