Mentions: Innovation Superclusters Initiative
Innovation expenditures dominate federal Budget with observers hoping discovery science will be addressed in future years    April 13, 2022

Mark Henderson

After billions in funding, Strategic Innovation Fund failed to improve Canada’s innovation performance, experts say    April 21, 2021

Mark Lowey

Ottawa defends innovation performance and initiatives to strengthen ecosystem    December 9, 2020

Mark Lowey

Researchers propose new performance indicators to better measure superclusters’ progress    October 14, 2020

Mark Lowey

Innovation Canada shifts “entire portfolio” to COVID-19 response May 6, 2020

Mark Lowey

The Short Report, March 4, 2019: Kirsty Duncan moves for a standing committee on science and research; Alberta cuts post-secondary education funding; Canadian miners make an action plan March 4, 2020

Mark Lowey

The Short Report, February 26, 2020: Transatlantic AI projects; multiplying ocean startups; scaling in the Big Apple February 26, 2020

Mark Lowey

"Innovation without IP is philanthropy”: Superclusters must protect Canadian IP, say experts    August 14, 2019

Mark Lowey

"Innovation without IP is philanthropy”: Superclusters must protect Canadian IP, say experts    August 14, 2019

Mark Lowey

"Innovation without IP is philanthropy”: Superclusters must protect Canadian IP, say experts    August 14, 2019

Mark Lowey

Ocean Supercluster’s first project focuses on high-def seafloor imaging    July 31, 2019

Mark Lowey

Ocean Supercluster’s first project focuses on high-def seafloor imaging    July 31, 2019

Mark Lowey

Canada’s Digital Technology Supercluster launches first cohort of industry-led projects March 6, 2019

Mark Lowey

Trudeau announces $230 million for Montreal artificial intelligence supercluster SCALE.AI    December 6, 2018

Mark Mann

CAPI report fleshes out targets and actions required to make Canada a globally competitive agriculture and agri-food superpower    July 10, 2018

Mark Henderson

Sue Paish May 29, 2018

Veronica Silva

Québec 2018 Budget: $1B in research and innovation to implement advisory council recommendations, SQRI    April 17, 2018

Veronica Silva

Editorial 32-2 February 20, 2018

Veronica Silva

High-tech veteran Alan Winter becomes BC’s first innovation commissioner    February 20, 2018

Mark Henderson

Five supercluster proposals share $950 million in funding    February 20, 2018

Veronica Silva

Competition heats up for $950 million in superclusters as government selects nine to submit full proposals    October 12, 2017

Mark Henderson

Colleges, polytechnics say time is right to boost funding for applied research    September 20, 2017

Veronica Silva

York region consortium pitches $300 million to support microelectronics supercluster    August 22, 2017

Guest Contributor

Supercluster bid unites farmers, entrepreneurs and scientists around plant-based proteins    August 21, 2017

Guest Contributor

Response to $950 million superclusters competition exceeds expectations    August 21, 2017

Mark Henderson


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