Private sector demand is surging for assistance under the federal government's pilot Canadian Innovation Commercialization Program (CICP) initiative, with 36 innovations pre-qualified under the second call for proposals (CFP). Co-branded Kickstart, CICP was announced in the 2010 Budget with $40 million in funding. The Jenkins Panel is recommending that it be expanded and made permanent. The first CFP attracted 27 submissions of which 12 have been awarded contracts. The vast majority of submissions under the second round are small companies but the list also includes larger firms such as Ballard Power Systems Inc and an applied research institute (National Optics Institute). CICP matches private sector innovation with departmental needs by identifying pre-commercial innovations to test within the federal government. It also works to improve access to federal procurement activities by small- and medium-sized enterprises. The program is administered by the Office of Small and Medium Enterprises within Public Works and Government Services Canada....