Ocean Supercluster’s first project focuses on high-def seafloor imaging

Mark Lowey
July 31, 2019

Canada’s Ocean Supercluster will provide up to $5.9 million over three years for its first technology leadership project, to help industry advance underwater robotics data acquisition and data analytics, says CEO Kendra MacDonald.

Industry will match the funding for the “OceanVision” project, being led by Kraken Robotics Inc. based in St. John’s, Newfoundland. The goal is to develop a leasable, turnkey service solution for ultra-high definition seafloor imaging, mapping and analytics, including simultaneous acquisition of ocean environmental and marine habitat data.

“This is a really good example of cross-sectoral collaboration, leveraging the technology and exploring new ways of generating revenue,” MacDonald told RE$EARCH MONEY. “We don’t have enough sea bed mapping right now. It’s definitely a topic of interest globally.”

The high-resolution images and data captured by robotic devices can be used by various sectors, including offshore oil and gas and the fisheries industries, she says. Partners in the project include Petroleum Research Newfoundland and Labrador, the Nunavut Fisheries Association, and seafood products firms Ocean Choice International and Clearwater Seafoods.

[rs_related_article slug="ocean-supercluster-aims-to-catalyze-canada's-ocean-economy"]In a separate initiative, the Ocean Supercluster has partnered with Ocean Technology Alliance Canada (OTAC) and delivery partner OceansAdvance, which are leading the development of a pan-Canadian digital ocean asset map and database of stakeholders in the country’s ocean economy, including private enterprises and research and educational institutions. OTAC has contracted St. John’s-based Triware Technologies Inc. to lead the research. The searchable database will be housed on the Ocean Supercluster’s website. The federal Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency is contributing $250,000 to the initiative.


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